All Things Prayer
Dear Lord, please help me to fully trust in your plan for me. Open my the eyes of my heart Lord, so that I am able to see the blessings pain disguises and your grace through the hurt. Help me to not lose hope even in times when it's silent and I don't hear your answers.Thank you God for everything you've done for me and your endless love.
Praying can be frustrating, especially when God doesn't answer in a way we're expecting Him to. As I'm growing closer to God, I've come to trust that He hears me, and that He already has begun working on me. It may be a week, a month, a year, or even fifty years before God answers our prayers. Truthfully, He may not answer some of our prayers. He knows what's best for us and won't give us what we want because it may be depremential in that season of our lives. When my Grandmere was diagnosed with cancer five years ago, she was given a month to four years to live. It was devastating, I love my grandparents and seeing them so distraught and not their usual animated self was heartbreaking. She is such a Godly women, it didn't make sense to me that she was chosen to endure such suffering... I prayed and prayed for God to cure her cancer, and it didn't seem like He was listening because she kept getting worse...
A year goes by and she's still fighting-- she's smaller, weaker, and her personality noticeably changed. But she was alive. In this time I forgot to thank God for that blessing, and continued to ask Him to cure her, begging Him to save her. I was blind to the obvious blessing of life, but God showed up and a miracle happened! The night after yet another surgery and treatment, her white blood cell count was tested-- and it had more than doubled overnight! It may have happened a year after I started praying, but God's grace knows no time restraint.
Unfortunately, after three years of being in remission, her cancer had come back. Her chemo resulted in dementia, and now she is weak and very susceptible illnesses. Everyday it's hard to think of what of all she's had to go through, but God's presence is evident. She may still have cancer, but she's still alive, she's still fighting, and I'm so thankful that God has extended such grace for our family. I will embrace every moment I'm with her and thank God for those precious moments.
Every prayer, every hope, every tear-- God sees. I believe that God gives and takes away for our own good. He may take away something you love, but just know greater blessings are around the corner. With every valley we feel alone, but that's actually when God is the closest and working the most in our lives.
Every blessing may be disguised as pain, but if you open your heart and truly trust God, you will be able to recognize His grace in action. God has a plan for all of us, and we are on this earth to fulfill our purpose. It's difficult to live in such ambiguity, but knowing that we have such an able and loving God looking out for us, we can be still despite the silence.
I challenge you to pray in every painful moment, even when you don't want to. I believe that you will instantly be calmed by the Holy Spirit and be able to think straight and trust God. God is always here with us, don't be like Peter, don't look down, don't feel overwhelmed by the storm-- look up and grab hold of Jesus' hand.
"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus" 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18