As some of you know I recently started a new hobby... papermaking! Not only does this hobby help me be more active with my time but it's also teaching me a couple things. This simple new skill has taught me more about patience and transformation and how that relates to our walk with God.
Papermaking is a pretty easy thing to do, however it takes a lot of patience. The picture to the left are little pieces of paper i tore by hand soaking in warm water with a blended pulp of paper and dried leaves for an aesthetically pleasing touch. Tearing paper by hand into little bitty pieces taught me that I am not as patient as I thought I was... But after seeing the results of the paper, I was in awe. We often don't want to take the time to tear The Word apart and really understand what it means, because it takes so much time! However, the result is so worth it. God takes His time with us, why is it so hard to spend time with Him?
As we grow closer to God we get our own convictions and slowly transform more into the person He created us to be. But it takes time. I think that's the hardest lesson to learn. We often get excited about change and growth but then discouraged as we realize that habits are harder to break and that change doesn't come instantly.
One conviction I have been having constantly is how I spend my time. The Spirit put it on my heart that I was spending more time watching shows then spending in the Word. And I wanted to change this. I realized that I'd watch TV to give my brain a break, but it wasn't the same as reading the Bible. So I realized that I needed to spend more time reading the Bible but also find a hobby that is relaxing and I can glorify God with... papermaking! This helps me not just watch hours of TV to unwind, but to put on a podcast and do something I love while simultaneously letting my brain rest.
Growing with God doesn't mean you can't have fun or you need to cut off all things (unless it's illegal, hurts you or hurts others). Realizing that most of our habits as we grow aren't good for us and listening to our convictions is beneficial. Not only do we become better we really do become happier. As we are pruned and refined we learn that the joy of the Lord doesn't come from anything on this earth, only God.
Is the Spirit trying to tell you something? Are their habits that are harming you and keeping you from growing closer to God? How can you better spend your time?