You're worn out, tired. Life has beat you up, and you aren't sure if you even have much to give. Yet everyone around you is demanding so much! When can you get a break? When can you just rest?
God says rest now weary lion. Stop striving for perfection. Stop giving all of yourself to people and things that don't fill you up. Your spirit can only be replenished by God and those who speak His truth over your life. Psalm 34:10 says, "The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing." Seek God and spend time in His word. To turn to the world to possibly refuel is foolish. When you're tired and you feel like you're running on empty, God is the only gas station available. Other sources-- relationships, money, food, work, organizations-- those don't last. If you go anywhere else besides God, it is like filling your gas tank with water. Do you know what happens if water is put into a gas tank? I didn't, so I did some research...
Water is much heavier than gasoline, so naturally it sinks and sits at the bottom of the tank. As it sits there it can cause rusting and several other issues to not only the gas tank, but also the engine. The water in the tank can lead to: buckling, an engine that won't start, a stalling engine, a rough acceleration, a slow acceleration, and more.
If your living your life with water in the gas tank you are probably finding it hard to start in the morning, experience fall out after fall out in your relationships, high anxiety, big parts of your life being affected by your choices, etc... If you feel these and the weight of the world on your shoulders answer this question: why are you bearing the weight? Give it to God. Lighten up. Lighten up your load by unloading everything onto your almighty God who can carry it.
Your burdens are big and the load is heavy. However, when you seek God your burdens become obsolete. No burdens, no problem! When you start living a life that seeks God you will feel lighter. You will know when to say yes, or when to say no. You can pour into so many people in your life, and people will be pouring into you. Anxiety has no hold on you, and you're no longer so worn out you can't live the life God yearns for you to live. Today give God your gas tank and be filled up with the stuff that lasts.
Dear God, thank you for today. Thank you for the abounding blessings you have put into my life. Today I ask that You help me to seek Your will for me Lord. Send your Holy Spirit to help me fight the desires of my flesh, to turn to you to refill and not to the world. I pray this all in Your gracious son's name. Amen.
Where did I get my tank info? Here!
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